Wer war Epstein, wer ist Trump? Man kann mit ziemlicher Sicherheit sagen, dass Trump ein CIA-Mann ist, während Epstein ein Mossad-Mann war. Natürlich arbeiteten sie oft zusammen, weil sie beide für die herrschende Elite arbeiteten und Teil des anglo-zionistischen Netzwerks waren, das seit über hundert Jahren die Welt regiert. Politisch gesehen steht Trump den konservativen zionistischen Parteien, d.h. den Republikanern, den Tories und dem Likud, näher, während Epstein den liberalen zionistischen Parteien, d.h. den Demokraten und den Labour-Parteien in Großbritannien und Israel, näher stand. Aus diesem Grund stand Trump Cohn, Murdoch, Reagan und Netanyahu nahe, während Epstein einem anderen zionistischen Team angehörte: Maxwells, Clinton, Peres und Barak. Epstein wurde durch die Rivalität zwischen Trump und den Clintons fast zerstört, aber am Ende wurde er durch die Rivalität zwischen seinen zionistischen Meistern Netanyahu und Barak zerstört. Epstein war jedoch nicht so wichtig. Er war lediglich eine angeheuerte Hand. Epstein war nur eine der vielen Fronten für die wahren zionistischen Superagenten: Ghislaine und die Familie Maxwell. Die Maxwell-Familie ist das größte Vermögen, das Israel je hatte. Ohne sie gäbe es in der Tat vielleicht nicht einmal Israel. Und ohne die Maxwells hätte Israel vielleicht keine Atomwaffen. Israel hätte auch nicht die Fähigkeit, das Internet zu kontrollieren und abzuhören. Kein Wunder, dass die Maxwells unantastbar sind. Sie sind Israel. (Marco de Wit)
Der Artikel auf Englisch
The following timeline is a work in progress. All additions listed below have been integrated into the timeline; however those additions are noted here so those who read the material earlier are aware of revisions to the timeline. The author expects 1-2 additions to the timeline per week.
8 September 2019
10 September 2019
12 September 2019
18 September 2019
20 September 2019
21 September 2019
23 September 2019
27 September 2019
These future articles will later also be integrated into the timeline:
- Judge Sweet made Epstein’s sweetheart deals even sweeter.
- The curious Jewish network of Epstein’s protector, Judge Marra
- Did Epstein create the Jewish hedge-fund billionaire network?
- How Ann Coulter desperately hinted at Epstein’s Jewish network
This map summarizes the Epstein timeline.
Introduction to the timeline
Complicated historical events can only be understood with a timeline. This timeline of Jeffrey Epstein has been written by Marco de Wit. It is part of a much larger timeline of the modern ruling elite.
This timeline is almost completely based on undisputed facts from mainstream sources but additionally includes some speculation.
More photos and links coming soon. Please contribute by commenting below or by sending additional info and links to laitonlehti@protonmail.com
Greatest thanks to those who have sent photos, links and other info on Epstein!
Note on the intelligence agencies:
In this timeline ethnic backgrounds are noted because they can be important especially in relation to intelligence agencies. Naturally ethnicity alone does not prove anything but it can be an important factor and therefore is relevant information.
A=American (CIA), B=British (MI6), J=Jewish-American and Jewish-Israeli (Mossad), S=Saudis (Saudi intelligence).
Note that all these intelligence agencies are allied in the Anglo-Saudi-Zionist network. They often cooperate and trade information with each other. However, they still all operate independently and sometimes are even at cross-hairs.
Mossad is the most ruthless of them all because it is less afraid of the mainstream and alternative media which are largely dominated by Jewish Zionist media moguls, journalists and personalities.
Youtube has deleted six videos and three channels which explained the Epstein timeline in detail. Youtube claimed the videos contained hate speech. Luckily a copy of one of the deleted videos was also uploaded to Bitchute, which has not taken it down.
Check yourself if it contains hate speech.
(Note that the video was made early September so it does not include the later additional information integrated into the timeline.)
Jeffrey Edward Epstein born January 20, 1953 in Brooklyn
First child of Seymour G. Epstein(J), a groundskeeper for the New York City Department of Parks,
and his wife Pauline(J), a school aide.
uncle-in-law (aunt’s husband) Marvin (”Morty”) M Jarmofsky(J) later also lived in Palm Beach, Florida as many other relatives of Epstein.
Did the relatives try to stop the police investigation into Epstein’s sex trafficking?
Interestingly, no one seems to have researched Epstein’s family relations even if Geni.com has a lot of information.
Only lately has the mainstream media noticed Epstein’s younger brother, Mark Epstein who seems to have been closely involved with his big brother’s affairs.
For some mysterious reason Epstein liked to say that he grew up in Brooklyn, Coney Island, NYC but did not like to specify where exactly.
50s and 60s Epstein grew up in a Jewish enclave in south Brooklyn in Sea Gate, a private community at the far western edge of Coney Island — New York city’s oldest gated community. (Forward)
Sea Gate was very Jewish. Despite immigration later in the 80s about 80 percent of its 7,000 residents were still Jewish.
Sea Gate has had a Jewish presence for almost a hundred years; Epstein’s family home appears to have been just across the street from Keneses Israel, Sea Gate’s oldest synagogue. The neighborhood has now become home to a large community of Orthodox Jews, including many Chabad and Satmar Hasidim. (Forward)
Kneses Israel seems to have been the only synagogue in Sea Gate to serve also non-observant Jews.
Perhaps Epstein did not want draw attention to the fact that he lived in a very Jewish area and just across the street from a synagogue.
Epstein and his family probably knew also many Orthodox Jews. Many Orthodox sects are notorious for having a relatively condoning attitude to pedophilia. This raises the question was Epstein himself a victim of pedophilia?
The SAR report follows on the heels of a similar report from the Ramaz School just a few weeks earlier. Taken together, the two reports reveal a remarkable phenomenon: the circle of people who knew or had heard of sexual abuse was incredibly wide. In both schools it included administrators, teachers, parents, and students.
And yet in neither school (nor in similar episodes elsewhere in the orthodox community) did anyone report the allegations of misconduct to law enforcement, nor to the press, nor to the wider Jewish community alerting to the presence of predators in our midst. (The Times of Israel)
1959 Public School 188 four blocks from Sea Gage gates.
1965 Mark Twain Junior High School.
1967 Interlochen Arts summer camp.
Famous world-class international student camp for the most talented young artists.
Epstein was a talented piano player who learned to play piano already at the age five.
1968-69 Lafayette High School in Coney Island.
Working class high school with some ”anti-semitism”:
“There was a lot of volatility at Lafayette,” Rosen said. “It was a blue-collar area that was, at one time, 90 percent Italian. Then a small amount of Jews moved in, and there was anti-Semitism. The Italians didn’t want the Jews there.” “There were fights in the schools. They thought we were going to take over.” (Fox News)
Perhaps the poor Italians and blacks did not want Jews there because the Jews did not want them in the gated Sea Gate community.
In fact, Sea Gate tried to keep the poor out every way possible. The conflict grew so bad that Sea Gate developed its own private police force and even erected barbed-wire fences.
However, it seems Epstein did not participate in any fights in the school but rather concentrated on his studies. Perhaps he wanted to get out fast.
Very talented student, skips two grades and graduates at the age of 16.
1969-71 Cooper Union
One of the most selective and best colleges in the world. Also unique in offering full-tuition scholarship education for all its students. Perfect school for Epstein whose parents were not rich.
However, for some reason Epstein was not happy at the school.
Earned money by tutoring classmates, probably in their homes. (Did something inappropriate happen?)
1971-74 transferred to New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
Mysteriously transfers from Cooper to NYU, one of the most selective and best mathematics schools in the world.
Was Epstein recruited by Mossad or CIA?
However, drops out from Courant for unspecified reasons.
Why did Epstein try to hide that he had studied at NYU?
1974 Epstein becomes a teacher at the elite Jewish-dominated Dalton school without any qualifications.
He probably lied that he is a Stanford graduate. Did he forge his degree or was he just taken by his word? In any event why would one of the most prestigious schools in the world, Dalton school hire a very young nobody like Epstein unless he was already working for the intelligence agencies?
Epstein is probably hired by Donald Barr(J) who served in OSS and probably later at its successor CIA.
It seems Barr left Dalton school in the early summer of 1974 and Epstein started teaching in September 1974. So it is also possible Barr did not hire Epstein. However, there were other powerful Jews who might have wanted to help Epstein get a position.
One such powerful Jew was none other than Norman Podhoretz, a leading Israel-first, neoconservative Jew. And he was a strong supporter of Donald Barr.
It might be that Donald Barr together with a network of powerful Mossad and CIA connected Jews made sure that Epstein got the job. That would seem probable considering that Epstein was very young, inexperienced and a college drop-out.
So even if Donald Barr did not directly hire Epstein he could have made sure that he was hired.
After all, most probably Donald Barr was an important intelligence asset. In fact, while in OSS Donald Barr probably was hunting Nazis. He might have also been involved in the operation Paperclip, secretly recruiting Nazis to CIA and other American agencies including NASA.
In 1945, [Donald Barr] ”joined the
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in Germany, aiding in de-Nazifying companies and industry. He also investigated German industrialists and SS men who had fled to South America.” (Houseatonic.com)
Donald Barr probably was involved in operation Paperclip because that would have been the ultimate proof that a Jew was loyal to the CIA.
Donald Barr had become a Catholic, married a Gentile and probably helped the Nazis to settle in America. On the other hand he was not hostile to Israel either. In effect, this made the Barr family perfect liaisons between CIA and Mossad.
This would explain how Donald’s half-Jew son William Barr(J) had such a stellar rise in CIA. At the time in the early 70s he was already not only a junior analyst at CIA but a major player in the intelligence community.
In fact, it might have been the son William who told his father Donald to make sure Epstein would be hired.
In 1973 William Barr was trying to hinder the Church and Pike committees investigation of the CIA.
Later in the 80s and 90s William Barr would be known as the ”Cover-up General” who as Attorney General would stop the investigation of many Iran-Contra criminals and other intelligence assets. He was helped in this by his close friend Robert Mueller who in the early 90s was the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division.
In 2019 Barr would again become the Attorney General and supervise the investigation of Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell. Together with special counsel Robert Mueller they would cover up Trump’s connections to Epstein, Russian oligarchs and the Israeli interference in the 2016 presidential elections. (See later in the timeline.)
1974-76 While teaching at Dalton school Epstein behaves in an outrageous manner for two years but still he is tolerated by the school.
Epstein often showed up for work pushing the limits on what was deemed appropriate within Dalton’s strict dress code, wearing a fur coat, gold chains and an open shirt that exposed his chest, according to The New York Times.
A former student told the newspaper that Epstein conducted himself in a strange manner with female students, giving them persistent attention and even showed up at a student party where teens were drinking. “I can remember thinking at the time, ‘This is wrong,’” former student Scott Spizer told the newspaper. (Fox News)
Why was Epstein so cocky despite lying about his degree and knowing he could be fired at any moment?
Did he already have powerful protectors? Was he already an agent of Mossad? Was his job to find out embarrassing facts about powerful families? Was this one reason why he liked to hang around the students so much?
1976 Epstein kicked out from the school for vague reasons.
The math and science faculty, i.e. other teachers seem to have pressured the head master Peter Branch(?) to fire Epstein because his ”teaching skills had not improved”. Possibly they did not refer to his skills as a mathematics teacher but to his outrageous behavior. Had Epstein been too personal with the students?
Why Branch kicked him out only after he was facing a virtual mutiny from the science teachers?
Was Epstein fired only after they had found him even better work?
1976 Bear Stearns bank.
Known as the ”Jewish bank”.
Epstein invited to join by the Bear Stearns bosses Alan Greenberg(J) and James Cayne(J).
Epstein had taught Greenberg’s son Ted at Dalton and was rumored to date his daughter Lynne.
Greenberg is also good friends with Donald Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn who runs extensive pedophile sex rings for personal and blackmail purposes.
Probably already at this stage in the 70s Epstein had met both Cohn and Trump. After all, they all worked for CIA or Mossad. Together with Alan Greenberg they were allies in the underworld of intelligence operations.
Alan Greenberg was most probably working closely with Mossad. He was a proud Jew who never shied away from emphasizing his Jewishness and Zionism. After his death he would be honored by the ex-PM of Israel, Shimon Peres.
Soon Epstein was caught lying about his degree.
Epstein worked for Michael Tennenbaum(J), a senior executive, selling the firm’s analyses of stock options to clients. Soon, Mr. Tennenbaum learned that Mr. Epstein had padded his resumé, falsely claiming to have graduated from Stanford University.
Mr. Epstein confessed, telling Mr. Tennenbaum he had embellished his background to get a teaching job, according to the book. “I wanted to tell you the truth,” he told Mr. Tennenbaum, who gave him a second chance. (WSJ)
Epstein seems to get a lot of ”second chances”.
1980 July ”the financial strategist Jeffrey Epstein” became Cosmopolitan’s Bachelor of the Month.
1980 Epstein becomes a limited partner at Bear Stearns.
Only in 4 years!
1981 leaves the bank for reasons that are unclear.
SEC raided Bear Stearns for suspected fraudulent insider trading activity on March 11, 1981 and questioned Epstein directly about Cayne. Epstein abruptly resigns the next day but still received a $100,000 bonus that year. (TheBL)
It seems Epstein was guilty of some insider trading involving mob-connected Seagram Company led by ”the boss of Canadian Jews” Edgar Bronfman Sr.(J)
However, despite leaving Bear Stearns Epstein stayed good friends with Jimmy Cayne and remained a client of Bear Stearns.
1981 starts his own consulting company International Assets Group (IAG).
Offers wealth management services to millionaires in U.S. and overseas.
Epstein claims to be a high-level bounty hunter, i.e. assists clients either to recover stolen money from fraudulent brokers, lawyers and governments or vice versa, i.e. hide their stolen money.
Writing in Salon, a former friend of Epstein’s, Jesse Kornbluth(J), also stated that Epstein had claimed to be a ’bounty hunter’ for the rich and powerful: ”When we met in 1986, Epstein’s double identity intrigued me — he said he didn’t just manage money for clients with mega-fortunes, he was also a high-level bounty hunter. Sometimes, he told me, he worked for governments to recover money looted by African dictators. Other times those dictators hired him to help them hide their stolen money.”
However, this sounds a lot like a cover-story for intelligence work. Was he really working for Mossad? That seems likely since Epstein got his start-money from Robert Maxwell(J) the British-Jewish media mogul and Israeli super spy.
Epstein was Maxwell’s protege. Epstein would gradually learn from his master many things.
Could it be that the story of Epstein is actually only a small part of the story of the Maxwell family which in turn is a major part of the history of Mossad operations?
1923 Robert Maxwell, originally Jan Hoch, was born into an Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jewish family in Easter Czechoslovakia, Ruthenia, near the border of Romania.
Often ultra-Orthodox Jews are accused of condoning pedophilia. Was Robert himself a victim of pedophilia?
40s during the Second World War he joined the British army and later changed his name to Robert Maxwell.
He was ruthless against Germans. Later he would be investigated for war crimes.
During and after the war he probably worked for British intelligence by utilizing his (Jewish, Ruthenian and Czech) connections behind the Iron Curtain to trade especially in arms.
Maxwell is helped in this by the richest family of Finland, the ultra-Zionist Zabludowich (J) family who sold Finnish Tampella mortars.
1948 with the help of the Finnish-British Zabludowich family illegally ships both Czech and Finnish arms to Israel during its War of Independence/Occupation.
Maxwell and Zabludowich families would together create a strong Israel lobby in Britain.
1951 probably with MI6 and/or Mossad help acquires Pergamon Press, the publisher of scientific journals.
Works with pro-Jewish MI6 agent Paul Rosbaud(wJ) who owns 25% of the stock. However soon kicks him out.
With his Jewish and other connections Maxwell obtains the monopoly to publish Russian and Eastern European scientific publications in English.
1950s and 60s probably involved in Israel’s top secret project to develop the nuclear bomb.
This not only involves the Israeli orchestrated assassination of John F. Kennedy(A) but also stealing scientific information. Maxwell with his contacts and Pergamon Press was in an ideal position to help.
1959 Maxwell and his family moves into Headington Hill mansion.
Robert Maxwell has 9 children, youngest of whom is Ghislaine.
The oldest son, Michael dies in a mysterious car accident. The second oldest son, Philip (6) wins Oxford scholarship at 16 but later moves to Argentina to get ‘as far away from my father as possible’.
Was this also a reference to pedophilia?
The youngest child, Ghislaine (8) becomes Robert’s favorite child to the point of an obsession.
1964-70 Labor member of the British parliament. Loses in 1970 and 1974 to conservative candidate because his opponents in the press have started to remind people of his true background and occasionally even use his true name.
1970s Maxwell daughters Christine and Isabel join their fathers business.
They start investing in computer and information technologies. This gives huge possibilities to Mossad.
1980s Robert’s youngest and favorite daughter Ghislaine probably also becomes a Mossad agent.
Ghislaine was known to be not only very intelligent but also hyper-sexed and very raunchy.
Ghislaine might also have been sexually abused since in ultra-Orthodox Jewish culture pedophilia is relatively common.
Was Ghislaine further trained by Mossad to use sex to obtain information and blackmail material?
1984 Mossad helps Maxwell buy Mirror Group Newspapers, the publisher of six British newspapers, including the Daily Mirror.
Leads to the famous media war between Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch who is allied with Donald Trump and Roy Cohn.
Maxwell went on to expand his empire to include the New York Daily News, the publishing house Macmillan Inc., and the now defunct paper The European. (Business Insider)
According to Victor Ostrovsky(J), a former Mossad case officer:
Mossad was financing many of its operations in Europe from money stolen from Maxwell’s newspaper pension fund. They got their hands on the funds almost as soon as Maxwell made the purchase of the Mirror Newspaper Group with money lent to him by Mossad.”
Maxwell had the Daily Mirror’s offices bugged so that he could hear what the company’s executives were saying about him. (Daily Beast)
Uses his media empire to protect Israel. Maxwell biographers Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon write:
Maxwell used the power of all his newspapers to attack Israel’s enemies. (Fitzinfo)
1986 Maxwell promises to help Mordechai Vanunu(J) to blow the whistle on secret Israeli nuclear weapon program but then informs Mossad and helps kidnap Vanunu.
1980s Robert Maxwell helps steal and then sell computer programs like Promis that spies for Mossad.
All but forgotten, however, are his alleged ties to the PROMIS affair, thanks in no small part to the FBI withdrawing his file from public view. The withheld materials describe Maxwell accessing an NSA database with information on tapping government databases, which is precisely what U.S. and Israeli intelligence are accused of modifying PROMIS to do. (Muckrock)
When Promis affair, which was actually part of the larger Inslaw scandal was close to being exposed William Barr came to rescue and helped bury the whole affair.
Already since the 60s Maxwell’s Pergamon press had invested in information technology companies which also helped develop computer software and the internet. Are they all bugged by Mossad?
Maxwell’s children and especially his twin daughters Christine and Isabel already in 70s helped to develop software products. Later they would also help to develop and perhaps bug the internet. (See later in the timeline.)
In the 80s Ronald Reagan was the president of the Unites States. Everybody knew that he was a man from Hollywood. Fewer knew that Reagan was the protege of the Jewish media moguls and Kosher Nostra. No wonder then that when Reagan became the president the Zionists finally came to power.
Mossad was now equal partners with the CIA. This offered great possibilities for global cooperation. Thus was born Iran-Contra.
The biggest dark operation of the 80s was Iran-Contra which itself was part of a covert operation to undermine the enemies of US and Israel.
The plan was to:
- Support both sides in the Iran-Iraq War by selling and smuggling them arms so that they would destroy each other and not be able to threaten Israel
- Get Iran to release American hostages held by Hezbollah and not to reveal the secrets of the October Surprise
- Use the money from the arms sales to Iran to buy and smuggle arms to the Contras in Nicaragua
- Further help and finance the Contras by transporting South American drugs to US through the Rockefeller-controlled and Clinton led mob state of Arkansas
- Get control of organized crime and especially global drug trafficking. Launder money in industrial scale and then finance various secret projects to topple hostile governments with the help of both organised crime and terrorist groups
- Organize child sex trafficking into a global blackmail operation involving as many state and business leaders as possible
- Outsource most of these operations to front men like Robert Maxwell, Adnan Khashoggi and Jeffrey Epstein
The beauty of the plan was that even if CIA and Mossad were to be caught in some operations they could claim that US was just trying to free the hostages and help free the world from the scourge of communism. In fact, this is just what Reagan said and the mainstream media bought it with the exception of the journalist Gary Webb(A).
Immediately after leaving Bear Stearns in 1981 Epstein gets super clients who are involved in various dark project like Iran-Contra.
1982 Epstein’s clients include ”the richest man in the world”, Adnan Khashoggi (part-J, part-S).
Khashoggi’s Jewish and Arab mixed background makes him perfect to serve the interests of the de facto allied Zionists and Saudis.
Khashoggi was mixed up with Iran-Contra – or rather Israel-Iran-Contra – which included arms and drug smuggling with the help of Bill Clinton who run the mob state Arkansas where much of the drugs were distributed to America.
Epstein seems to have been heavily involved in Iran-Contra. He even admitted he worked for the CIA. MintPress writes :
One of Epstein’s clients after leaving Bear Stearns, per Ward’s sources, was the CIA/Mossad-linked Khashoggi at the very time that Khashoggi was involved in Iran-Contra, an operation involving both U.S. and Israeli intelligence.
British journalist Nigel Rosser reported in January 2001 in the Evening Standard that Epstein had claimed that he was also working for the CIA during this same time period.
Since Epstein’s arrest, records of Rosser’s article have been scrubbed from British newspaper archives, including the Evening Standard’s own.
However, MintPress independently confirmed with Bob Fitrakis, whom Rosser had interviewed for the article in question, that the article did allege that Epstein used to claim he worked for the CIA. In addition, other reports from the time period cited excerpts of Rosser’s article, including the reference to Epstein’s past claims of involvement with the CIA.
Specifically, Rosser’s article had included the following passage:
He [Epstein] has a license to carry a concealed weapon, once claimed to have worked for the CIA, although he now denies it – and owns properties all over America. Once he arrived at the London home of a British arms dealer bringing a gift – a New York police-issue pump-action riot gun. ‘God knows how he got it into the country,’ a friend said.”
The finance of many of Khashoggi’s deals went through the notorious CIA-linked bank BCCI, also known as the Bank of Crooks and Criminals International. Interestingly BCCI was closely linked also to Epstein’s former bank, Bearn Stearns.
Bear Stearns served as a broker to BCCI, a fact that remained hidden until a lengthy court battle in the U.K. concluded in 2011. (MintPress)
Could it have been that the reason Epstein left Bear Stearns was that he went undercover to serve as a liaison between Bear Stearns and BCCI?
Iran-Contra operation and BCCI bank were not only involved in arms and drug smuggling but also in sex trafficking. MintPress writes:
Furthermore, there is the additional fact that BCCI trafficked underage girls for sex as a means of obtaining favors from and gaining leverage over powerful individuals, something in which Epstein would later become deeply involved. As was shown in Part II of this series, several individuals who were running either sexual blackmail operations involving minors or child trafficking operations were connected to CIA front companies like BCCI, other organizations connected to the Iran-Contra scandal, and several individuals close to the Reagan White House.
The CIA director at the time, Bill Casey, was a close friend of Roy Cohn, who also ran the sexual blackmail operation involving underage boys out of Manhattan’s Plaza Hotel, described in Part I of this series. According to Cohn’s long-time secretary Christine Seymour, Casey was one of Cohn’s most frequent callers.
1983 Maxwell is involved with the Iran-Contra operation on behalf of Israel and MI6. He does this with the help of both his daughter Ghislaine and Epstein.
This fact has been confirmed by Ari Ben-Menashe, a former arms dealer who also served as a senior executive for Israel’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (1977 to 1987).
Ben Menanshe has revealed that in the early 80s when he was working with Robert Maxwell in Iran-Contra operations suddenly Maxwell came to talk to him with his daughter Ghislaine and Epstein.
Ari Ben-Menashe: What happened was Maxwell introduced him [Epstein] to us, and he wanted us to accept him as part of our group. [He said] ‘and your Israeli bosses have already approved.’ (Narativ)
1984-85 Robert Meister(J?), a former vice chairman of Aon, world’s biggest insurance brokerage introduced Epstein to Les Wexner(J).
I [Wexner] first met Mr. Epstein in the mid-1980s, through friends who vouched for and recommended him as a knowledgeable financial professional. (Letter)
Wexner owns the multi-billion dollars Limited Brands Inc. (L-Brands) clothes retail business.
1985 August New York Magazine describes Wexner as an ”Orthodox Jew from kosher home in the Midwest”.
Wexner’s close friend is ”the boss of Canadian Jews”, Edgar Bronfman(J) whose family probably still runs the Jewish Canadian mob. The same Edgar Bronfman who Epstein probably tried to help with insider information.
1985 Wexner’s lawyer Arthur Shapiro is gunned down.
The ghost of Arthur Shapiro—a prominent local attorney who was slain in a 1985 “mob-style murder”—continues to haunt the City of Columbus. Shapiro’s doomed soul was resurrected recently when the Columbus Division of Police released the controversial—and once believed destroyed—document investigating his death. Columbus Alive obtained a copy of the “Shapiro Homicide Investigation: Analysis and Hypothesis” report through a public records request on Friday. As previously reported in Alive, the report confirms that the name of central Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner was linked “with associates reputed to be organized crime figures.” (Free Press)
Epstein himself had said that his company helps its client in these kind of ”complicated” situations. Was it a coincidence that Epstein and Wexner became close around the time of Shapiro murder?
Soon Wexner gives Epstein a power of attorney so that he can manage his personal finances. Many people find this inexplicable including Sandy Lewis(J), the son of Cy Lewis(J), who had run Bear Stearns for decades:
Sandy Lewis couldn’t figure out why Wexner had turned to Epstein to manage his money when Lewis already had an unparalleled track record managing some of Wexner’s money—returning more than 30% a year to his partners for 10 years. (Vanity Fair)
There were also rumors that Wexner was a homosexual. Could Epstein have had a homosexual affair with Wexner? The manner in which Epstein would later have sex with girls was very unromantic. He always seem to have considered sex always as a purely physiological matter. Was that an indication of his bisexuality?
Or was something really sinister going on? Were both Epstein and Wexner interested in some really unconventional sex like pedophilia and raping little boys?
Now that Epstein virtually run Wexner’s business he is also involved in mob business.
After all, Wexner is very much connected to both the Cosa and Kosher Nostra through the New York carpet district. The clothes industry had traditionally been dominated by the Jewish financiers, Jewish unions and the mob which kept the socialist Jewish unions in line with the blessing of the elite Jews, police and politicians.
The mob especially controlled trucking. No wonder then that Wexner’s company trucking was controlled by the Genovese crime family, the home of Lucky Luciano(A) who made the famous alliance with the Jewish godfather of organized crime, Mayer Lansky(J).
Wexner’s company is so big that his transport needs are not limited to trucking.
Transports clothes from Hong Kong and other places to Rickenbacker Airport, civil-military public and cargo airport in Columbus.
Civil-military airport would have made it easy for Wexner to help smuggle arms, drugs and children in and out of the country with the help of CIA and Mossad.
Were Wexner and Epstein deeply involved in Iran-Contra? That seems almost certain considering that later in 1995 Wexner and Epstein would help the Iran-Contra connected Southern Air Transport airline (SAT) to move from Miami to Columbus Rickenbacker Airport. Later 1998 CIA even admitted that SAT had earlier been involved in drug running. It then went bankrupt and was restructured but in effect continued with virtually the same name Southern Air.
During the 80s SAT was known as the Spook Air that flew anything to anywhere, including such criminal hot spots as Colombia, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo.
SAT was made famous by Barry Seals and later by Tom Cruise’s movie American Made.
The movie also alludes to the fact that at the time Bill Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas. It seems quite probable that he allowed the arms-drug trafficking to proceed as part of the Iran-Contra operation through the Mena airport. Clinton even allowed the creation of a Contra training camp 10 miles north of the airport.
Much of the legal work surrounding the arms and drug trade seems to have been conducted by the Rose Law Firm where Hillary Clinton was a partner. In fact, the first female partner ever. Later her colleague Vince Foster would die mysteriously.
Could it be that already at this time Epstein and the Clintons were working together as part of the Iran-Contra operation?
Later Epstein’s airplanes would share their FAA tail number with US military aircraft. That would have helped Epstein to fly drugs and children.
Epstein got his start in drug and sex trafficking in the 80s during Iran-Contra and seems to have continued it well into 2000s.
1986 international arms dealer Douglas Leese(J?) introduces Jeffrey Epstein to Steven Hoffenberg(J).
According to Hoffenberg, the two men were introduced by Douglas Leese, a defense contractor. Epstein has said they were introduced by John Mitchell(A), the late attorney general. (Vanity Fair)
Interestingly, Epstein denied he was introduced to Hoffenberg by Leese. Perhaps he did not want to be connected with a notorious arms dealer who was also involved in Iran-Contra:
Leese was involved in brokering the first of a series of controversial British arms deals that involved Khashoggi, known as the Al Yamamah Deal and allegedly involving bribery of members of the Saudi royal family and top Saudi officials. In addition to Khashoggi, several of those officials and royal family members had deep ties to BCCI. (MintPress)
1987 Epstein helps Steven Hoffenberg(J) run Tower Financial corporation.
In 1987, Hoffenberg, according to sources, set Epstein up in the offices he still occupies in the Villard House, on Madison Avenue, across a courtyard from the restaurant Le Cirque. Hoffenberg hired his new protégé as a consultant at $25,000 a month, and the relationship flourished. “They traveled everywhere together—on Hoffenberg’s plane, all around the world, they were always together,” says a source. (Vanity Fair)
Hoffenberg and Epstein were also corporate raiders who tried to take over airlines including freight airlines which would have been most helpful in intelligence and sex trafficking operations:
1987 unsuccessful bid to take over Pan American World Airways.
1987 Epstein obtains Austrian passport with a fake name, possibly from Ronald Lauder(J) who had been the American ambassador to Austria.
Passport lists Epstein as a resident of Saudi Arabia!
Considering that Epstein worked for Khashoggi it is not surprising that he gradually became good friends with the Saudis. Later Epstein would even become friends with the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman:
One person who visited Mr. Epstein’s townhouse last year told The New York Times they saw a signed photograph of Mr. Clinton behind a large dining table. Mr. Epstein also had photos of Woody Allen and Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, on display at the house, according to the visitor. (New York Times)
Before we left the room he took me to a wall covered with framed photographs. He pointed to a full-length shot of a man in traditional Arab dress. “That’s M.B.S.,” he said, referring to Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. The crown prince had visited him many times, and they spoke often, Mr. Epstein said. (New York Times)
In the eighties Epstein was very busy flying around the world.
Epstein is constantly on the move: In the aughts, when Epstein logged some 600 hours of flight time per year, New York magazine reported that he flew so much because he was scouting “investment opportunities.” (Wired)
1988 unsuccessful bid to take over Emery Air Freight Corp.
Epstein and Hoffenberg got help from John Mitchell(A), Richard Nixon’s brother Edward(A) and John Lehman(J), the former secretary of the Navy who was also connected to the Iran-Contra:
During many of these operations Hoffenberg and Epstein would also work from the Trump building.
In the late ’80s, Hoffenberg was, by his own account, a schemer. “I was always under investigation,” he said. From afar, he seemed successful — he briefly owned the New York Post, and he rented a floor in Trump Tower (“Donald’s crowd was my crowd,” Hoffenberg said). (MSN)
So already in the 80s Epstein seems to have been a very important intelligence operative who worked as a liaison not only between Bear Stearns and BCCI but therefore also between Israel and Saudis.
Could it be that Epstein was the ultimate fixer and deal-maker? That would have been natural for him because his main job was to help launder money. Therefore he would be both trusted and needed in making big deals.
1988 having made his name among billionaires and intelligence agencies Epstein creates financial consulting company J. Epstein & Co.
Claimed to manage the assets of billionaires but virtually all real hedge fund managers agree that Epstein was a fraud and a front man who probably was running a blackmail operation.
Epstein’s only client was Les Wexner who now mysteriously gave Epstein even more power to manage his financial affairs:
In 1991, Mr. Wexner granted Mr. Epstein authority to borrow money, pay expenses, sign contracts and handle other financial dealings on his behalf, according to power-of-attorney documents filed in Franklin County, Ohio. “He had absolute control” of Mr. Wexner’s wealth, one person said. (WSJ)
Epstein also runs Wexner foundation that operates leadership programs for American and Israeli Jews.
1989 Robert Maxwell partners with the Bronfman family and try buy Jerusalem Post in order to make it the ”international voice of Israel by publishing it daily, simultaneously in Britain and the United States.”
1989 Robert Maxwell buys a luxury motor yacht from Iran-Contra wheeler-dealer Adnan Khashoggi and names it Lady Ghislaine after his favorite daughter.
1989 May invites many Iran-Contra wheeler-dealers onto his yacht Lady Ghislaine. Epstein and Ghislaine are probably also present.
Trump had also an additional connection with Maxwell: His wife Ivana Trump was also from Czechoslovakia. Her background is very murky and her father worked for the StB, the Chech intelligence agency. It was considered the best among Eastern Block agencies especially in infiltration.
Was Ivana one of Trump’s secret contacts to Eastern Europe? Was Trump working together with Maxwell making deals with the Soviets and especially with the Jews of the Soviet Union? Jews like the mafia boss Semion Mogilevich who got an Israeli passport from Maxwell.
Naturally this would also have involved delineating spheres of influence not only politically but also in drug trade. After all, KGB and the Russian-Jewish mafia were at least as big drug dealers as CIA and Mossad.
Whether Epstein was at that party is anyone’s guess, but it’s certainly plausible, as Robert Maxwell had extensive dealings with bankers and financiers, including the Rothschilds[J], his “trusted friends” Goldman Sachs[J], and Lehman brothers[J] (Fitzinfo)
1990 February Robert Maxwell was good friends even with the most right-wing leaders of Israel, including the Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, also known as the Butcher of Beirut.
The mentor of Jeffrey Epstein, Robert Maxwell seems to have been one of the architects of the implosion of the Soviet Union. Maxwell had excellent relationship with the communist elite and probably realized they could just be bought off.
Maxwell biographers Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon write that Maxwell had “acquired a rare and privileged position in the communist world.”[3] (Fitzinfo)
1978 Maxwell meets the leader of the USSR, Leonid Brezhnev.
Maxwell helps Jews get the permission to emigrate to Israel and US.
Probably one part of the deal was secretly transfering American military technology to the Soviet Union. This makes Maxwell a very important person for the Soviet Union.
The rise of Andropov(J) and his protege Gorbachev gave even more power to Jews in Russia so Maxwell helps the Jewish oligarchs take over and destroy from inside the biggest enemy of Israel, the Soviet Union.
In this task he was helped by the ”boss of Russian mob bosses” Semion Mogilevich(J) who is also known for sex trafficking young girls.
Maxwell helps Mogilevich obtain an Israeli passport through the Mossad.
Probably Maxwell’s protege Epstein was also involved wheeler dealing with the Russian Jewish mob that operated internationally.
Probably Epstein got his first taste of Eastern European girls who were not only sex slaves but literally slaves. (At this time Epstein was not yet much abusing American girls because they are much more risky than mob-connected girls.)
Maxwell was also helped by his another protege Bill Browder(J) whose grandfather had been the chairman of the Communist Party of USA. Browder had many (mainly Jewish) connections to the Soviet Union.
In the 90s Browder runs the Russian desk at the notorious Solomon Brothers(J) and helps Anatoly Chubais(J) and Yegor Gaidar(J) to ”privatise” the Russian economy straight into the pockets of oligarchs, virtually all of whom were Jewish businessmen with Israeli passports.
Several billions flowed also to Browder’s company Hermitage Capital Management that he run with Edmund Safra(J) and Israeli investor Beny Steinmetz(J), both being extremely notorious wheeler-dealers. At one point Hermitage was the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia.
After Putin tried to purge some of the oligarchs, Browder was charged with tax fraud. In retaliation Browder together with his oligarch friends helped create the Magnitsky Act and encouraged russophobia in the mainstream media that even included outright censorship of any TV program or movie critical of Browder.
Considering that both Epstein and Browder were Maxwell’s proteges one would expect that Epstein was also involved with the operations in Russia and Eastern Europe. Is this one reason why Epstein was importing so many young girls from Eastern Europe?
1990s during the early 90s recession Tower Financial got into serious financial problems so Hoffenberg decided to turn the whole business into a Ponzi scheme. Hoffenberg later claimed Epstein was the brains of the Ponzi operation.
1993 Ponzi scheme collapses. Hoffenberg goes to jail but Epstein escapes scot-free!
A very strong indication that he had immunity as an important intelligence asset. In fact, Hoffenberg and the prosecutors were afraid of Epstein.
Hoffenberg said he had decided he could not rat out a partner. He said variously that he was under threat from Epstein to remain silent and that prosecutors faced similar pressure to drop Epstein from their case. Hoffenberg offered no evidence for his allegation, which Nardello, the prosecutor at the time, called “desperate and ludicrous. . . . Hoffenberg’s insinuations reflect only on his apparent ability to project his corrupt view of the world onto others.” (MSN)
Furthermore, the judge on the case was Robert W. Sweet, who had strong connections to the top Jewish elite through his wife whose great-grandfather was the ”King of American Jews”, Jacob Schiff. Sweet was certainly loyal to the hugely powerful Schiff family and their protector, Israel.
(Sweet would again in 2017 – at the age of 94 – preside over a case involving both Ghislaine and Epstein – and also Harvey Weinstein. See later in the timeline.)
No wonder the prosecutor gave Epstein a pass.
Corrigan’s team did not pursue a financial claim against Epstein. He turned the product of his investigation over to the SEC, which brought its own charges against Tower executives that did not involve Epstein. And somehow, almost like magic, in spite of thousands of unhappy investment victims, Jeffrey Epstein walked away from all this criminal activity without even being accused. Epstein had somehow discovered an immunity from prosecution that had to be rooted in the federal government because it worked in multiple states. (TheBL)
Perhaps it was not coincidental that Epstein’s former headmaster’s son William Barr was in the early 90s stopping all criminal investigations into Iran-Contra and other similar operations. His successor Janet Reno would then continue the cover-ups for the next decade under other Iran-Contra operators, the Clintons.
Perhaps the Tower Financial Ponzi scheme had also been financing Mossad operations. That would have been very important for Israel.
After all, Israel is a very small country and it was even smaller in the eighties. No wonder Israeli intelligence agencies needed to create its own network of billionaires who would finance its operations. Ponzi scheme is an easy way to earn and transfer money quickly and covertly.
Especially since nobody dares to complain about Israeli involvement. It worked with Maxwell and it worked again with Epstein.
It seems likely that in the 80s also Trump was deeply involved in Iran-Contra. It is also likely that Epstein personally knew the notorious blackmail-expert Roy Cohn and his protege Trump.
The likelihood is increased by the fact that Cohn was a homosexual and Epstein was rumored to be interested also in homosexual sex.
Epstein and Trump seem to have moved in the same circles but with different loyalties. Epstein was moving in very Jewish circles, his financiers were Jews and he was clearly close to Mossad.
Trump family was German-Celtic, which is ethno-culturally as far from Jews as possible. No wonder that Donald’s father Fred claimed to be Swedish. After all, many of his tenants were Jews. In fact, so many Jews lived in New York that many called it the Jew York.
However, German-Celtics are also very far from Wasps (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants). Trumps were the true outsiders but that is also why they learned to work with everybody.
Ultimately, however, the Trumps had to choose on which side they were. For Fred Trump the choice was clear: On the Wasp, or rather Rockefeller side. It helped that the Rockefellers also had some German blood.
Rockefellers several times saved Fred and Donald from ruin especially in the early 90s:
To avoid having to file for bankruptcy, Trump met with four of his major lenders, Citibank (C), Bankers Trust, Chase Manhattan Bank, and Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.—now owned by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. The banks were concerned that if they foreclosed on his properties they, too, would lose tremendous amounts of money. (Investopedia)
Citibank and Chase Manhattan were Rockefeller banks whereas Bankers Trust and Manufacturer Hanover seemed to be Morgan-Rockefeller banks. They certainly were not Jewish banks like Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs or Lehman Brothers that financed Epstein.
So both Epstein and Trump were probably involved in blackmail and other intelligence operations but they were ultimately serving different masters.
In the late eighties Wexner started creating a new town in New Albany near Columbus, Ohio.
Epstein invested in the project and became a general partner in the real-estate holding company, called New Albany Property.
Epstein was the key person who organised everything from paper work to finance. Without him the town would not have been possible.
Later Facebook, Amazon and Google would move into the town and build their data centers.
Did intelligence agencies, i.e. CIA and Mossad help Epstein in creating the town? Is it now actually run by intelligence operatives?
Epstein now has access to a lot of money. However, spy and blackmail operations would be easier with a high-tech wired house.
1989 Leslie Wexner buys a seven story mansion on East 71st Street, Manhattan for 13,2 million and starts renovating it
Apparently the biggest private residence of Manhattan with 40 rooms.
Wexner soon wires the house including the bathroom which is called James Bond bathroom.
Wexner does not live in the house! Instead Epstein uses it in his blackmail operations.
In 90s the official ownership of the house is transferred to Epstein so that Wexner would not be responsible if the blackmail operations get out of hand.
Epstein decorates the house in outrageous manner with sexually explicit paintings, photos and apparel.
1980s Epstein gradually gains more and more access to Wexner’s Victoria’s Secret models.
The models create more trust than East European sex slaves so now it is easier to expand the blackmail operation to politicians and scientists.
1990 Epstein buys a Palm Beach mansion.
Mysteriously, Epstein buys the mansion and also another smaller house nearby from Lake Worth through a mysterious company, Laurel Inc.
The company’s official address is in Tampere, Finland.
Why the Finnish connection?
Could it be that Robert Maxwell connected his protege, Epstein with the ultra-Zionist and mob-connected Finnish-British Zabludowich (J) family?
After all, Maxwell and the Zabludowich family had already in the 40s together smuggled arms to Jewish terrorist groups in Palestine. And one of the most useful of those arms turned out to be the Tampella mortars from Tampere, Finland.
Shlomo Zabludowich would create a joint arms manufacturing venture between Tampella and Israel. At the same time Poju would attend the Swedish-speaking school in Tampere and start there his business career.
That would explain the Finnish – or rather – the Tampere connection.
But why did not The Daily Mail point out the possible connection between Epstein – Tampere – Zabludowich?
Perhaps because The Daily Mail is a very pro-Zionist newspaper.
For over half a century the patriarch of the Zabludowich family, Shlomo and his son Poju have belonged to a close-knit group of ultra-Zionist billionaires. They also seem to have close connections to the Kosher Nostra. Poju is even the biggest landowner in Las Vegas.
Poju has gone through unscathed many scandals from Panama papers to knocking down parts of a church. Poju has also been suspected of bribing Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel.
Naturally The Times of Israel called it a ”gifts affair”.
Poju was also involved in the Panama papers scandal.
Today’s Sunday Times notes that Poju Zabludowicz – a major donor to David Cameron’s Conservative Party – was involved in an offshore scheme managed by a firm involved in the ‘Panama Papers’ scandal.
Zabludowicz’s co-investor in this scheme – controversial businessman Scot Young – was found impaled on the railings outside his London flat in 2014. An inquest on Young’s death found insufficient evidence of suicide, and his family suspected he had been murdered.
Poju has also been caught in a sexual harassment scandal.
It certainly sounds like the Zabludovich family was in need of assistance in hiding assets, bribing officials and organizing sex parties.
Interestingly, the very things Epstein specialized in.
The Florida properties made it even easier for Epstein to entertain important people and couple them with young girls.
Later it was revealed that on the walls of the Palm Beach mansion there were several photos of nude girls.
1991 Jeffrey Epstein’s mentor Leslie Wexner and Charles Bronfman create the Mega group.
It is a club of 20 of the nation’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen” focused on “philanthropy and Jewishness”.
Includes at least two World Jewish Congress presidents, Edgar Bronfman and Ronald Lauder, both with connections to Epstein.
The group is ultra-Zionist.
Members like the Bronfmans, Ronald Lauder, Lester Crown, Michael Steinhardt and Max Fisher have obvious ties to the Jewish mafia, Kosher Nostra.
The Mega Group protects Epstein and uses his services.
Mega Group also manipulates the market together with the Club, a group of billionaire investors.
Of course, all for the good of Israel.
1990s recession spoils Robert Maxwell’s over-leveraged investments.
Robert Maxwell probably demands that for all of his services the Mossad should help him pay back some of the money he allowed Mossad to steal from the pension funds. However, Mossad must have balked. Agents serve Mossad, not the other way around.
1991 Seymour Hersh publishes his new book, The Samson Option about the Israeli Samson option.
Hersh reveals Maxwell to be a Mossad agent.
Maxwell is starting to be a liability for Mossad especially since the British Member of Parliament, George Galloway is not afraid to call him a Mossad agent.
1991 November 3 Goldman Sachs starts selling shares of Maxwell’s companies.
Maxwell’s biggest financer, the Jewish bank Goldman Sachs turns on him probably with the permission of Mossad.
He had failed to repay two loans, one for £20m and one for £30m to Goldman Sachs.
Goldman Sachs started selling off shares of both companies which they held in collateral for the loans and the news would have been made public within days. (Mirror)
1991 November 5 Maxwell dies mysteriously after falling of his boat, Lady Ghislaine.
The Spanish decline to take a dental impression and his fingerprints on file in London are too old. This prompts speculation that Maxwell is still alive.
He is identified only by his family.
Dr Hiss thought Maxwell had suffered a heart attack and drowned. Dr West disagreed: there was no heart attack, Maxwell had fallen into the sea and drowned. Three pathologists, three different verdicts, one body. (Independent)
Ghislaine believes his father was murdered but does not blame Mossad. Instead she blames ”Mossad renegades”:
She was unable to accept her father’s guilt and likely suicide and insists to this day that a dark conspiracy of Mossad renegades and Sicilian contract killers took his life.
There might have been a power struggle inside Mossad and Maxwell was on the losing side. This could be related to the fact that Robert Maxwell was closer to the more leftist Labor party than Likud. Also Epstein was closer to Labor though he tried to maintain good relations with all Israeli parties.
Ghislaine talks to the reporters and organizes the funeral.
The funeral is not in Britain where he had lived or in Slovakia where he had born but in Israel. And it seems to be an Orthodox one.
The funeral is attended by no less than six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence.
Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogizes:
“He has done more for Israel than can today be said”. (IHC)
Robert Maxwell was obviously a Mossad agent.
Most probably so is also his daughter, Ghislaine who now starts to handle his father’s protege, Jeffrey Epstein.
1992 Ghislaine Maxwell(J) becomes Epstein’s handler, girlfriend and madame.
Epstein continues Robert Maxwell’s work. At the same time he helps Ghislane acquire and hide part of her father’s fortune. After all, that’s what Epstein does for a living – according to his own testimony. Officially, however they start an affair.
The British newspaper Mail on Sunday names Epstein in the article “The mystery of Ghislaine Maxwell’s secret love”.
The article mentions rumors that Epstein is connected to CIA and Mossad:
And yet, like much associated with the Maxwell clan, little is known about Mr Epstein. One outrageous story links him to the CIA and Mossad. (Mail on Sunday, emphasis added)
1992 Ghislaine shows her risque side.
As she posed for the pics, which ran in a publication meant to promote Sotheby’s vintage fashion collection, she allegedly let slip comments that hinted at a twisted double life.
“She didn’t talk about Epstein, but during the shoot she did tell a story about how she just hosted a dinner party for a number of young girls, and she put dildos at each place setting,” the source said. “Ghislaine then described how during the dinner two guests, who were a couple, began demonstrating how to do the perfect fellatio on a man for all at the table. She was laughing about it.” …
“A friend of mine has a whole theory about her, that Epstein was like her father Robert Maxwell, who himself is believed to have had some strange sexual practices.” (Page Six)
1992 Now that Epstein and Ghislaine are officially together they are invited by her friend Trump to a special party at Mar-A-Lago.
Ghislane not only gives Epstein more personal access to the elite but also handles the models and other girls used in blackmail operations.
It seems some of Epstein’s clients want to be blackmailed. They want to become Mossad fronts with a license to molest children.
1993 Epstein and Ghislaine meet the Clintons.
Epstein and Ghislaine probably already had met the Clintons in the eighties especially during the Iran-Contra operation. Now they need to meet each other officially ”for the first time”.
As early as 1993, records show, Epstein donated $10,000 to the White House Historical Association and attended a donors’ reception hosted by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Around the same time, according to a source familiar with the connection, Epstein visited presidential aide Mark Middleton several times at the White House. Two years later, businesswoman Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote a personal letter to Clinton thanking him for their talk about the financier. –Daily Beast
Lynn Forester would later marry Evelyn de Rothschild and also help Hillary Clinton’s bid for presidency.
1995 Clinton and Epstein are both on the guest list for a “small dinner party” hosted by Revlon mogul Ron Perelman(J) to raise funds for the Democratic National Convention.
1995 Epstein becomes a member of the ultra powerful elite group, The Council of Foreign Relations.
1996 Lynn Forester de Rothschild introduces Epstein to Alan Dershowits(J) at a party for Lord Rothschild.
The story of Dershowitz’s own reversal of fortune began on the Vineyard in the summer of 1996. A family friend, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, he said, invited him to a party for her husband, Lord Rothschild, where she introduced him to Jeffrey Epstein. “She said, ‘I have this friend, he really would like to meet you,’” Dershowitz said. (New York Magazine)
The fact that Epstein was friends with the Rothschild family must have greatly impressed Dershowits.
Epstein and his mentor Leslie Wexner were also good friends with the most powerful man in Israel, Shimon Peres. And now Epstein invited Dershowits into this most powerful circle.
Dershowitz, despite the megawatt career, has never been a glamorous figure. At the height of his fame, he looked most comfortable not at the side of his celebrity clients but in his cramped Harvard office, wearing oversize aviator eyeglasses and itchy-looking sweaters. His social profile began to improve in 1996 upon meeting the financier Jeffrey Epstein through Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a Martha’s Vineyard friend. She told him Epstein was a brilliant autodidact who loved meeting interesting people.
Epstein visited Dershowitz in Cambridge, sent him a thank-you bottle of wine, and a week later called to invite him to the 59th birthday party of Victoria’s Secret founder Leslie Wexner. “I said, ‘Who’s going to be there?’” Dershowitz tells me. “[He said], ‘Shimon Peres is going to be there. Senator [John] Glenn, the astronaut. Alfred Taubman, the head of Sothebys.’” Dershowitz was in. (Boston Magazine)
Obviously, it was not the supposed super intelligence of Epstein but his close connections both to the Rothshilds and Israeli leadership that so enamored the Zionist Dershowits to Epstein.
Soon Dershowits becomes first Epstein’s de facto and later de jure lawyer.
Dershowits is not only a fierce Zionist but also the most feared lawyer in America known for his aggressiveness. Having Dershowits on his corner Epstein starts to expand his pedophile ring.
1997 Netanyahu becomes Prime Minister of Israel.
Netanyahu became Prime Minister with the support of the American Mega Group and especially Ronald Lauder, the same man who ten years earlier most probably helped Epstein get an Austrian passport.
Lauder and the Israelis worked with George Nader even if he was convicted on possession of child pornography in the 80s and 90s.
Nader seems to have worked also with Epstein. Later 2019 Nader was charged with federal child sex trafficking about the same time as Epstein!
Israeli sources state that both Nader and Epstein were working for Israeli military intelligence:
But their association goes further than powerful friends and proclivities for teenage boys and girls. Epstein and Nader are believed to be agents for Israeli Intelligence. Narativ has independently confirmed with two separate sources who were in a position to know that Epstein worked for Israeli military intelligence. (Narativ)
Obviously the Israelis did not consider even the repeated possession of child pornography or child sex trafficking a grave matter.
Furthermore, since Nader got away with obvious pedophilia and even rapes Epstein probably believed he could also get away with it.
Interestingly, Dershowits has publicly argued that the age of consent should be lowered to at least 15 if not lower.
Having Dershowits on their side Ghislane and Maxwell start recruiting even younger girls.
And now they dare to do this quite openly!
Next some more apparel:
The Mossad-protected blackmail operation is now ready for big fish. However, one last step in needed:
1996 J. Epstein & Co. name changed to the Financial Trust Company and registered on the U.S. Virgin islands for tax purposes.
Virgin Islands is known for its corrupt politicians.
Epstein gets the crucial local big-wheeler support of Pamela Berkowsky(J) and Adam Shapiro(J).
(Adam incidentally attended four years at the University of Pittsburgh studying facial plastic surgery.)
Epstein buys Little St. James island from the Virgin islands.
Soon locals start to call it the Pedophile Island.
On the weekends in the 1990s, Maxwell would have her Rollerblades FedExed to Epstein’s island in the Caribbean, and said she got her helicopter’s license so she could transport anyone she liked without pilots knowing who they were.
Maxwell also said the island had been completely wired for video; the friend thought that she and Epstein were videotaping everyone on the island as an insurance policy, as blackmail.
A source close to Maxwell says she spoke glibly and confidently about getting girls to sexually service Epstein, saying this was simply what he wanted, and describing the way she’d drive around to spas and trailer parks in Florida to recruit them. She would claim she had a phone job for them, “and you’ll make lots of money, meet everyone, and I’ll change your life.” …
Maxwell had one other thing to tell this woman: “When I asked what she thought of the underage girls, she looked at me and said, ‘they’re nothing, these girls. They are trash.’” (Vanity Fair)
The island seems to have tunnels.
1990s Wexner’s Limited company sells its Boeing 727 airplane to Epstein.
Epstein’s personal pilot was Larry Visoski(J?). He must have been trusted by Epstein and thus probably has connections to intelligence agencies.
Larry Visoski’s daughter Brooke Visoski later became a Military Intellegence Officer.
1993 February Epstein’s Zorro Trust buys land from members of the King family, a powerful New Mexico agricultural and political dynasty.
The magic year was 1993. Bill Clinton became president, Gov. Bruce King setup Jeffrey Epstein in the center of his other parcels in New Mexico, Jim Baca was appointed the director of the Bureau of Land Management by Clinton, and Bill Richardson was working hard on NAFTA alongside Bill. Epstein was lining everyone’s pockets, and one by one, they were added to his little black book. (CoreysDigs)
Was New Mexico taking the place of Arkansas in drug running and sex trafficking?
Epstein and several of his associates donate to Gary King’s(A) various races, including his runs for governor and his successful campaign for attorney general. His wife Yolanda served as chair for the NATO RTO Sensors ad Electronics Technology Panel.
Epstein donates hundreds of thousands to the Santa Fe Institute (SFI), a think tank for theoretical researchers, where he befriended co-founder and quark-theory pioneer Murray Gell-Mann(J), an old family friend of the Maxwells.
In New Mexico it would be relatively easy to smuggle people and especially children in and out of the country especially since New Mexico police has a very corrupt reputation.
1998 Epstein starts building a mansion on Zorro ranch.
Mysteriously the wastewater system of the ranch seems to have a very high capacity.
1996 Maria Farmer accuses Epstein and Maxwell of sexually assaulting her.
A new victim has gone public in the Jeffrey Epstein case, filing a sworn affidavit in federal court in New York Tuesday, saying that she was sexually assaulted and her then-15-year-old sister molested by Epstein and his companion, Ghislaine Maxwell, in 1996. …
Then an art student in New York, Farmer said she reported her assault to New York police and the FBI in 1996. FBI documents released April 1 make a reference to Farmer having been interviewed in 2006 or 2007. However, Farmer, now 49, said the FBI did not take any action against Epstein and Maxwell. (Miami Herald)
Did Dershowits make the case go away?
1997 Alicia Arden claims that Epstein treated her like a prostitute and groped her during interview for the Victoria’s Secret catalog.
However, the police claims the woman explicitly did not want to bring charges:
Most notably, the detective wrote that Arden did not want to press charges against Epstein but wanted him warned about his behavior, an assertion that she strongly denies. (Snopes)
Also Les Wesner seems to have done nothing:
In the mid-1990s, around the time that Arden claims she was assaulted by Epstein, two executives at L Brands discovered that Epstein had been approaching young women by purporting to be a Victoria’s Secret modeling scout, and told Wexner. While Wexner promised to speak with Epstein, the executives said, it was unclear what, if any, action he actually took against his friend. (Rolling Stone)
Was the police protecting Epstein? It seems they had to lie about Arden’s statement because they could not risk opening any kind of investigation
However, the police claims the woman explicitly did not want to bring charges:
Most notably, the detective wrote that Arden did not want to press charges against Epstein but wanted him warned about his behavior, an assertion that she strongly denies. (Snopes)
Also Les Wesner seems to have done nothing:
In the mid-1990s, around the time that Arden claims she was assaulted by Epstein, two executives at L Brands discovered that Epstein had been approaching young women by purporting to be a Victoria’s Secret modeling scout, and told Wexner. While Wexner promised to speak with Epstein, the executives said, it was unclear what, if any, action he actually took against his friend. (Rolling Stone)
Was the police protecting Epstein? It seems they had to lie about Arden’s statement because they could not risk opening any kind of investigation
Then an art student in New York, Farmer said she reported her assault to New York police and the FBI in 1996. FBI documents released April 1 make a reference to Farmer having been interviewed in 2006 or 2007. However, Farmer, now 49, said the FBI did not take any action against Epstein and Maxwell. (Miami Herald)
Did Dershowits make the case go away?
1997 Alicia Arden claims that Epstein treated her like a prostitute and groped her during interview for the Victoria’s Secret catalog.
However, the police claims the woman explicitly did not want to bring charges:
1999 Ghislane meets 15-year old (born August 1983) Virginia Roberts (later Giuffre) at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, where Roberts works as a locker room assistant. At the same time his father works in the club as a maintenance manager.
Virginia’s parents had divorced when she was 10 and for sometime she had been a run-away exchanging sex for food and money until she moved in with her father to Palm Beach.
Ghislaine recruits Virginia to become Epstein’s masseuse. Did Ghislaine target Virginia because of her past?
Virginia’s father Sky Roberts meets Epstein and gives permission to his daughter to work as a masseuse for Epstein.
Why did not Trump intervene?
Did Virginia report back to his father who reported to Trump who reported to the CIA?
Virginia soon becomes Epstein’s ”number one girl”. This also explains why she was allowed to keep photos.
Virginia starts taking Xanax prescription drugs to calm herself amid repeated exploitative sexual encounters.
Fortsetzung wegen der Textlänge:
Marco de Wit Epstein Pedoscandal Mossad-Timeline
Die deutsche Übersetzung wäre sehr zeitraubend und stressig, ich hoffe, auch so kommen eine Menge wichtige Informationen zutage
Dies ist ein erstaunliches und sehr nützliches Kompendium über den Fortschritt des Bösen.
Als Zeitachse zu präsentieren, ist sehr effektiv für Leute, die sich mit dieser komplexen Geschichte beschäftigen wollen. Das Ausmaß der Korruption ist erschreckend.
Die Buerger in den USA blicken langsam bei dem Judo-Philen Trump durch, der nur auf eine andere Art und Weise mit den Juden zusammenarbeitet. Die Juden lassen ihn ruhig machen, denn sie haben ihre Freunde auf der Seite der Demokraten, die alles so boykotieren, dass es dann fuer die Juden wieder erfolgreich weiter geht. Es wird zu keinen Wahlen kommen, denn ein Buergerkrieg wird vor der Wahl ausbrechen.
Schwab glaubt auch noch seinen Unsinn, wenn er von einer Pandemie spricht.
Gemaess CDC und WHO sterben auf der Welt, 60 Menschen pro Tag an Corona Covid 19, 1000 Menschen sterben pro Tag an der gewoehnlichen Grippe und 3000 Menschen pro Tag an TBC. Es handelt sich also um eine Mogel-Plan-Demie.
Festzuhalten ist, dass die Opfer von Jeffrey Epstein gemietete Huren waren. Er bezahlte sie, sie wurden nicht auf seine Insel geschmuggelt, nicht entführt oder an ihn verkauft. Die meisten von ihnen wurden von Modelagenturen angeheuert, einige arbeiteten in Elite-Clubs und lebten in Orten wie Palm Beach. Sie sind keine Opfer. Sie haben einen Vertrag unterschrieben.
Das eigentliche Problem ist, wie unsere Kinder zu Huren werden. PornHub ist die beliebteste Seite der Welt. Sie versuchen nicht einmal, die Kinder zu schützen, weil die meisten Menschen Konsumenten von Pornografie sind.
Epsteins Opfer waren Minderjährige. Epstein wurde angeklagt wegen SEX TRAFFICKING OF MINORS. Minderjährige können keine Verträge unterzeichnen. In allen Fällen wurden die Mädchen an der Highschool oder auf der Straße von Frauen rekrutiert, deren Identität noch nicht bekannt ist. Und ja, mehrere Opfer haben Epstein Vergewaltigung vorgeworfen, er habe sie als Minderjährige vergewaltigt.
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